
This is almost a twin of my own, smaller, C40A. Apart from the wrapping on the coils of the drive electromagnets. My earlier coils were only wax coated.
Hipp toggle damper present. The clean supporting table with guide rails suggests a protective box has been removed for the photograph.
Hipp toggle damper present. The clean supporting table with guide rails suggests a protective box has been removed for the photograph.
C40B from the recent Corsham clock auction. 21/22 Feb '19.
Single overhead drive, sloping shoulders and stepped mainframe. A later model with a mixture of plated and painted components. Later, curved [pressed steel?] contact steady bars.
Hipp toggle damper absent. As is the time setting crank on the forward end of worm shaft. Both items are easily reproduced.
Another C40B from an eBay auction. Withdrawn before the end of bidding. Rather small, original auction images do not enlarge well.
A mix of early, lacquered brass and later plated components.
Early, angular, cast brass, contact steady bars. Full set of bevel and crown wheels. Stepped main frame with unusual colour. Repaint?
Bare [lacquered?] wire on drive coils. Looks original from the tail lead, tying and dressing.
A working C40B in the workshop: https://youtu.be/Cv0muKlXSp4
Needs a rubber hose on the toggle damper to quieten it and stop wear. Silicone rubber hose is a modern alternative and readily available.

Copyright of Matt Allen, industrial heritage photographer, with thanks. Lots more images of the original Gents clock system at:
Note how a continuation of the mainframe shoulders would meet in a straight line at the pendulum suspension bearings. Lacquered brass components but later, pressed contact steady bars. The time setting crank is present.
Another C40C. Very similar indeed to the C40C above. Both right side mainframes descend, without any step, directly to the foot. Early, black factory paint, lacquered brass/bronze components but pressed contact steady bars.
Horizontally oval, fixed, contact assembly, pillar base exactly the same as the example above. This was an early sign on C40As which eventually went over to a vertically oval, adjustable base with horizontally slotted, screw holes. Here the Hipp toggle damper hangs down uselessly.
I can't be sure of the finish on the drive coils. The upper example almost looks like the early bare, DCC or DSC, copper wire. The lower ones could be wax dipped. They look much smoother without any visible turns. Black paint suggests early examples. No doubt the time setting dial could be deciphered to better date the two examples.
Click on any image for an enlargement.
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